Monday 14 April 2014

unfortunately, I've had some bad news.

I think what happened is I got made redundant, probably because the quality of my work was lacking, and as a consequence I got removed from tasks until I had little to do. But in hindsight, there is a good explanation for this. I've been suffering from anaemia caused by stage 3-4 bowel cancer, this has only been recognised in the past few weeks.

I hope to recover and get back into the games industry. But presently I'm undergoing chemotherapy which is aimed at a possible cure but I know the statistics are not all that rosey.

Friday 28 February 2014

AI using A* to find routes for soldiers - avoids water and can favour different sorts of terrain dependent on how A* weights is tuned. In case this is useful to others: C++ code here

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Unity test app.

A unity3d test shell app, just seeing how the free lerpz ship asset looks, wrote my own stormbirds style chase camera, first pass.


Monday 24 February 2014

Have got text rendering on the hud now. from a font texture - basic stuff, but can now advance with hud fully.

Much of it, was just cut and past from my C++ code replacing, glTexCoord2f with GL.TextureCoord2 stuff like that. same logic.

Think it will take a week to port the LUA driven multi-hudmode logic to c# if memory serves, its landing, navigation, bombing, guns, air to air, and air to ground. The GR3 harrier not having radar, had the pilot manually guessing what the wingspan and range was to the target, so modifying the gun aim with rotational movement. 

Friday 21 February 2014

Still learning Unity3d as I go- but in the OnPostRender section, I've worked out how to render an unlit texture.

firstly, I was wondeirng how I draw lines.

Pleasingly as expected, the drawing would take into account z-buffer test.


So now I can draw lines! So if I can draw lines, I can bring across HUD logic from C++ version, but the next thing I want to do, is to render unlit textures to this hud as well - this means I can place text or numbers.

Which is what I'm kind of doing here - in my c++ code, I build up 256 display lists for each character but as far as I can tell in Unity, displays lists aren't available, so will just have to render them in immediate mode.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Stuff I've done in the past

Stuff I've done before.

Most recently - Auto Club Revolution + Nascar2014 whilst at Eutechnyx where I did mainly netcode and lately worked on CUDA driven particle effect behavious.

JET THUNDER My spare time project
I learn't to program in C++ by doing this project, but now I'm porting it to Unity3d having hit the limits of the engine I wrote - but for that engine, I used Newton SDK for physics, FMOD for sound, RakNet for networking, all aspects of the game except shaders which I had help for. I'm finding Unity3d great, it seems really powerful and so far that power has not come at a cost of interfering with what has to be acheived.
For example, I was quite worried about the ability to replicate the HUD stuff done in C++ version, but figured it out yesterday:

Just using the GL. functions that are now available in the free version.

In BBR, I worked in a couple of areas, AI and physics. I developed a sort of Whiskers AI approach where the cars took relatively quick lines and avoided obstacles. Often AI ends up with magic numbers, so I tuned those numbers with a genetic algorithm. Strange company to work for though - didn't get paid for months when they ran out of money.

In this project for Juice Games, I was a graduate programmer. I ended up loving the project. It got canned by an unimaginative publisher where on a spread sheet it seemed to appear as a flight sim, and therefore unsellable, but in fact it was an ace combat killer that was more like a first person shooter to play with really interesting game mechanics that I worked on. I touched on AI, arcade flight model, did a lot on cinematic and gameplay cameras. I hope to resurect this project in unity3d some day.

Have been made redundant

Unfortunately I've been made redundant, such is the bubble and froth of the games industry. I realise I need an online portfolio. So this can be it.